Acanthus mollis
Acer palmatum
Acer palmatum 'Shaina'
Acer palmatum 'Shindeshojo'
Acer palmatum 'Shishigashira'
Agapanthus africanus
Agapanthus africanus 'White'
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Point Reyes'
Native Plant
Correa 'Ivory Bells'
Cuphea hyssopifolia
Freesia tecolote hybrids
Pittosporum tobira 'Wheelerii'
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Viburnum davidii
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Search Criteria:  Plant Type: Shrubs | Sun: Shade | Height: 1 to 3 Feet | Flower Color: White